Backup and
Disaster Recovery
Not all backup solutions are created equally. We make sure that we have solutions available that not only backup your data but make it redundant and recoverable.
Our backup products can not only perform a verification on your backup but also test your backups in a Virtual sandbox environment. We can test recover your servers to make sure they can boot up and run your software all without touching your production environment. Its a nice feeling to know that if a disaster did happen and a full restore was required, we have already practiced the process on your network.
Our backup appliances not only can hold backups from your network but can also act as a standby server in the case of your production server(s) malfunctioning. Virus attack, bad patch or hardware failure can put your business down for days. With a standby virtual server, we can recover your latest backup to our device within minutes and you can be up and running while your production equipment is repaired.
Offsite storage and server replication can help save you from a location outage. We can securely copy your backups offsite to a hardened data center in case of local theft, disaster or malfunction. It is also possible to have your servers replicated to a secondary location or rented data center to have hot-spare servers available in the event of your primary location being unavailable.