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Email and Social Media Protection

Stopping spam is just a small feature of our email security services.  Stopping phishing attacks, viruses and spam certainly helps with employee safety and productivity, but we don't stop there.  We can also make sure that your email and cloud services are backed up properly. Having your data in the cloud doesn't mean it's backed up.  If you get infected with malware, get hacked or even just accidentally delete something, you probably cannot get that data back unless you subscribed to a separate cloud backup product. We can also provide email encryption, as well as archiving services which prevents malicious or accidental deletion of important business communications. We can also provide protection for your social media accounts helping you monitor any malicious activity. 


Firewall as a Service

Business grade firewalls require service contracts in order to be fully protected.  They also have many features that can help protect and troubleshoot your network if they are configured properly.  It is difficult to deal with purchases every three years and remembering to renew a variety of different licenses, so we offer an all-inclusive service program.  You only pay one monthly fee which includes the hardware, next day warranty replacement, support, licenses for all features of the firewall as well as any service calls included in the price. 


Endpoint protection

Antivirus is no longer enough to properly protect your workstations and servers. Our Managed IT contracts not only include a very robust business grade antivirus package, but also includes anti-malware, anti-exploit and anti-ransomware detection. All of our products tie into a central management system and alerts us if someone is unprotected or outdated. Some of our firewalls are also able to scan network traffic before it even hits your workstations so your data is pre-scrubbed before it gets to your devices. 


Phishing Testing and Employee training

Even with backups, endpoint protection and firewalls your weakest link is still the human factor. Today more than ever, social engineering attacks try to trick your users into infecting their machines or giving access or private information to hackers.  We have a security training program that includes simulated phising attacks (email), vishing attacks (phone) and physical attacks (on premise) so your users can see and learn from these events so as not to fall for the real ones. We offer a large variety of online training videos, posters, games and more to help keep everyone in the know on what to expect and what to do in the event of an attack. 

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Voice / Fax / SMS : 413-650-6005




Westfield, MA


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